Motorcycle of the Guanabara Police Department, sporting a Hotchkiss 1914 heavy machine gun. Rio de Janeiro, 1960. Thanks to Ronaldo Olive for the photo!
Motorcycle of the Guanabara Police Department, sporting a Hotchkiss 1914 heavy machine gun. Rio de Janeiro, 1960. Thanks to Ronaldo Olive for the photo!
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That is a pretty sturdy and substantial sidecar platform — they would have needed it given the weight and recoil of the Hotchkiss. It also looks as if the whole platform was designed to take the gun as-is, complete with its original tripod, which would have added to the overall bulk. Quite different from the light and compact World War II-era BMW and Zundapp sidecar combos with a pintle-mounted MG-34 or MG-42.
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