After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland had a variety of weapons available to its armed forces, including the Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun. The Hotchkiss fed from 30-round feed strips, and was gas operated and […]
The Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon was designed by an American, Benjamin Hotchkiss, in response to the Franco-Prussian War. Hotchkiss chose to use large caliber shells in the gun instead of rifle cartridges (like the American Gatling […]
Thanks to reader Erik, we have a little more information on Fridtjof Brondby, which we’ve added to the Brondby page in the Vault. Apparently Brondby also designed a 20mm antitank rifle, although we do not […]
Could be the red barron
Didn’t an Australian hit the Red Baron with Lewis Gun ground fire?
Might hit the airplane, but if he elevates much more the lead is going to rain on his hat!
exactly ¡¡¡ one australian soldier hit this famous airplane with a lewis
best regards from southamerica