The RK 62 M3 Clone I Used for Finnish Brutality 2024

This year at Finnish Brutality 2024, I was able to use a semiauto clone of a Finnish military RK 62 M3 rifle. This is the latest upgrade to the Finnish issued RK 62 rifle. Starting in 2015, the Finnish Defense Forces began a program to update some of their stock of RK62s. The goal was to add optics and mounting capability for lights and lasers, as well as giving the rifles adjustable-length stocks to fit different shooters and armored gear. The first RK 62 M model did this with an optics side rail, new safety lever with a finger tab, and replacement of the original tube stock with an adapter block to fit Magpul AR stocks. The follow-on M2 version added a new suppressor-capable muzzle device and an Mlok handguard. The final M3 version painted the whole rifle green.

The rifle I used is a commercial semiauto Valmet M/62S – the same type that was sold commercially in the US. It was updated to M3 pattern using parts from a company called AK2.0 (the handguard, muzzle device, stock adapted, and optics rail). It was painted green, and fitted with an FDF Aimpoint Micro and Ase Utra suppressor. It’s not an exact clone, but it’s pretty close, and handles exactly like the real thing.

Finnish Brutality full videos:
Day 1 –
Day 2 –


  1. I think the differing stature of folk in regards the adjustable stock; but also in relation to one making, oneself “A bigger target” is somewhat interesting… Read some Wiki lark about average height in various countries, didn’t seem accurate though – Seemed more me from 1980 5’9″ as an average from the U.K, and that just does not seem to be the case looking around; most folk 10yr younger than me are taller, and 20yr younger are much taller on average. Was wondering if this lanky/fat trend which, I figured was just following U.S trends via eating burgers or such… Has been replicated in China, for example. Something to be said for being smaller, in regards avoiding being shot perhaps on average if a direct comparison could be made. If so what to do, er… Well ensure we have very good sights issued on mass, to hit them. For example. Just saying, as a point of interest.

    • According to
      Poor nutrition and illness in childhood limit human growth. As a consequence, the average height of a population is strongly correlated with living standards in a population. This makes the study of human height relevant for historians who want to understand the history of living conditions.

      Because the effect of better material living standards is to make people taller, human height is used as an indirect measure of living standards. It is especially relevant for the study of living conditions in periods for which little or no other data is available — what historians refer to as the pre-statistical period.

      It is important to stress that height is not used as a direct measure of well-being. The variation of height within a given population is largely determined by genetic factors(…)

  2. Or even that double tap thing, again… To gain hits; you’d imagine it could add up even more if outnumbered anyway, your own “targets” are bigger thus easier to hit than your (Lumps) firing at smaller ones.

    • Or a combination of both, I am just saying if it goes pear shaped; there is a lot of Chinese troops anyway, with body armour. You could, if you think about it… See that causing issues. Anyhoo, all to look forward too; he he.

      • “(…)lot of Chinese troops(…)”
        Please explain clearly why do you expect confrontation between said entity and Finland.

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