The Frommer/Femaru 37M was the last in the line of handguns designed by Rudolf Frommer. The 37M was a single-action blowback pistol chambered for .380, although it was also purchased by Germany in .32 ACP caliber (and with the addition of a manual thumb safety). It was adopted by the Hungarian military in 1937, replacing the 29M – which was mechanically basically identical but more expensive to produce. The 29M, in turn, was basically a scaled-up Frommer Lilliput.
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has many photos and info concerning Frommer 37M.
Love the Slo-Mo stuff. Do you have any plans for Slo-Mo on a Luger?
Already done:
Cool. That’s the only Frommer I don’t have.
In my own collection, I still need a 29M, P37(u), Lilliput, Stop, Baby, 1901, and 1906. 🙂
I don’t count the 1901 & 1906. Unobtainium. 🙁
Plus I have 2 1910’s, but only one mag (and it’s in pretty poor shape).
What’s interesting is that there appears to be no application of recoil to the firing hand until the slide’s rearward travel is arrested.
Maybe to brighten up the video somehow (sun reflector pointed at the gun in the moment of firing ) ?