Last week we posted a video on the Singapore SAR-21, and today we have some very nice detailed photos of the gun’s internals for you to check out while we’re gone at SHOT. So, courtesy of Eric:

You can see all 40 photos in the gallery here (or download them all in high resolution):
[nggallery id=179]
This is high quality work, on part of both – maker and photographer. One cannot help to ask how is it that SA-80/85(pos) could sustain in light of this. Thank you!
A combination of market timing, politics, local manufacturing job considerations and the propensity of the customer to try and favour the home-grown design, even if it almost flies in the face of logic — this is something that has frequently ( but not always ) been a salient feature of firearms acquisitions by the militaries of many countries throughout the world.
Thanks V good Job