Today I am taking the SIG P320 Flux Legion (aka the SIG Legion edition of the Flux Raider) out to the range. I’m a big fan of PDW systems, and the Raider is one of the best – in my opinion it is better than some purpose-built PDWs, much less other pistol chassis conversions. Anyway, I registered this one as an SBR and I am curious to try out the three different lengths of stock attachment that Flux makes for it. Let’s see how they handle…
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Semiauto pistol
As Ian noted in his previous Flux video the front magazine holder states that it is not a vertical fore grip (although in this video I thought for a moment that it said it was not a vegetable). So, does the original arm brace say it isn’t a shoulder stock????
I agree that the front magazine holder is not sturdy enough to be used as a front grip, unless you really want to mess up your magazines and the tiny magazine well. Go for a real sturdy, long fore grip, like the rear grip that is designed for the force that will be applied to it.
So which part is the registered NFA item now,the serialized FCG or the Flux chassis?
The Form 1 requires and registers the serial number of the original serialized frame, receiver, or in this case FCG.
I think this item should be redesigned so that front extra clip could be a used as a fore-grip. It could be done.
Is there not a way too… Do something… “Something” I mean two mags, but one is a mag holder. Could we not… (Given it is a pistol drop in platform) dooo… Something, to… Allow… The slide… To be “Dropped” into a platform… My point is, why do we need to remove the 2nd mag.
Should we not, develop a way to fling the slide forward to engage the 2nd mag; automatically I.e. Bbbbbang! Empty mag “Mag” & instead of a hold open, we “Fire the slide/barrel forward to engage the 2nd mag. Two mags, with one as a mag holder… Wee slide/barrel; pdw thing. Thinking… Christmas eve is on Tuesday you know. In general… Hmmm… Two mags one doesn’t work; I don’t like that… Why does it not work. You have to put 2 mags in…
Two wee 15rnd mags gives 30… Sooo… Shorter thinner mags than now. The slide/barrel does the thing, albeit with a hammer… Two hammers, it has a stock… Things…
Could be two 30rd big mags even… Must be a way. Bbbbbbbang! Empty… Then “Clunk” side/barrel moves forward to engage 2nd mag… I mean what is a drop in missing thus (Bar a way to do it) but what? A 2nd Hammer, some sort of striker.
That is “As is, just a platform for a semi usuable stock.” We should aim higher, something… Better.
Point; 2 x 15rnd mags so reduced size, but! Gun, fires both… Must be better, Pdw’s etc.
Not worked it out yet, but in principle; that is better “Small gun, 30rds” as a mag change…
Fannying around “Moaning” about arm braces, or semi usuable stocks; yes… It should be able to fire both mags, you take the time to insert… Small Mars bars, bast**d’s. Your £’s/$’s (It isn’t to prevent you being fat) it is cheaper, for the companies.
Consumer champion eh, improved that gun no end; same price? Yes. See. Rip off these days. Anyhoo… What was I saying, workings… Workings.
So… You need, what? A 2nd hammer, and “3rd in away; to lock the slide in its new positon.” stuff… Much better idea though, think 10mm… 15/15. A spring… Thing/stuff… Ways.
Anyway I will shut up, attempt to draw on fag packet… Merry Christmas! Tuesday, no time anymore since Rona; all rolls into one… That even x2 15’s much better… Short, compact. Wee blaster. A fucking mag holder.
“(…)put 2 mags(…)”
If you need to have 2 magazine switching automatically then use V-42
Seen that on here before, cheers… But… Nooo… We could do better than that; 2024/5.