Today I am joined by an Estonian collector friend to discuss gun laws in Estonia. This a continuing series on gun laws in different countries around the world, and is intended to be an overview only – we do not cover every detail and many subtleties are generalized. I find it interesting to learn what the different laws are in different places, as they often include some unexpected details – like the Estonian firearms permit requiring first aid training.
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The first aid requirement, as well as the health and handling checks, are sensible and practical requirements IMHO.
What we need more of is sensible gun controls,eh?
Yes. Yes we do.
I agree; well written and practised rules protect not just public but also gun owners from unwarranted search and confiscation.
Please be sure to ask about “antique” guns. What kinds of guns might fall into that category?
60 hours seems like a lot. Certainly a firearm specific course makes tremendous sense. But, say, over the course of a high-school education, 60 hours wouldn’t be excessive at all.
Empty chamber? so no concealed revolvers.
Where do the collectible guns come from? Do collectors import?
What of reloading? That could make a cartridge regulation superfulous
I hope we make it to Czech gun ownership regulations; we are closer and circling around.
It is not so much for myself since I do not have residence there, but to compare what happened during those 20-25 years. I remember my cousin obtained a “gun permit” in early years in time of new regime and that entitled him to walk with firearm on street. I suspect, they stiffened the rules considerably.
Sure, I can read about it, but it is better from person who lives there.
My guess is the 60 hours of required first aid training is to discourage as many people as possible from obtaining fire arms.
I think the point of first aid training is to remind people that there are consequences for reckless actions done with guns, most of which is caused by drunk fools shooting each other! Okay, I will admit to making bad alcohol jokes, but believe me, there are plenty of unlicensed fools in America stupid enough to stuff loaded pistols in their pants (in the right place to shoot off their own balls).
Sixty? I plainly heard him say “16 hours”. Perhaps Ian can clarify.
Also, first aid training well beyond 16 hours is strongly advised, but no training or testing should ever be a *requirement* for gun ownership.
I also think it was skip of tongue. I have passed once thru Saint John’s Ambulance course and in was done in two days (16 hours). It was quite thorough.