Mean Arms’ Bearing Delay System

Mean Arms has developed probably the most refined and sophisticated 9mm AR delaying system on the market, what they call Bearing Delay. This began as an exploration into fitting HK-style roller delay into and AR, and ended up with a system using three spherical bearings to redirect chamber pressure to delay opening. The system is particularly well suited to high end competition use, where the development data form Mean Arms can be use din conjunction with different “lifters” (the equivalent of the locking wedge in a roller delay system), buffers, and ammunition types to tune the system for minimal muzzle climb and felt recoil.

Disclaimer: Mean Arms sent me this upper for filming. The lower assembly I provided myself.


  1. Magazine is certainly a novelty innovation! At first glance I thought, what, is this 5.56…
    Shows that after decades of gun development there are still new ideas, and thats great

    • I’ve always wondered why something like this locking system hasn’t seen more use; it seems like it’d be a natural fit for really gunky environments, in that you could bore the locking recesses all the way out, and then the filth would just be pushed out by the ball bearings… Adaptable to manual, recoil, and gas-operation, as well.

      Works a treat for hose connections.

  2. either the frictional losses are very significant in that system…

    or you would get almost as pleasant shooting with straight blowback and an appropriate choice of recoil spring rate and buffer

  3. Ian;

    For the last two days I’ve gotten “Comments off” here.

    Was that maintenance or did somebody try to get cute?

    clear ether


    • I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that there were server/software problems.

      I’m not sure what they’re using for underpinnings, but I think we’re probably approaching some limits on things…

      • Meant to mention… In case anyone is monitoring, I got a bucketload of notifications from the site for “new articles”, some going back to 2020.

    • I’ve seen that “comments off” were up to this very video, and then few hours later, they also dissapeared from it.

      It would be good to start to think about doing an archive, because comments here (opposed to youtube) are veritable treasure trove of knowledge and info.

  4. If you put a number of other BB’s “Say 5, so about an inch in length” in the bolt carrier (BB’s of the same size/type) behind the ones in the bolt face… “Know like one of those Newtons ball knocker things you can by as a desk curiosity.” Wonder if… Er… Well, you put another pokey out bit I.e. A delay part “As per the bolt face one” with corresponding surfaces in the reciever at that point, to act as a further delay… In a larger calibre. Would it perhaps, knock the 5th BB into; if so aligned (Three sets of say 5) but, knock it up into said new reciever delaying surfaces “You know the wee dimples for the BB’s to sit in” and thus add to the delay until the other 4 BB’s could move forward – When then bolt face BB’s are clear of the chamber, and thus they can pop out again allowing the rear 5th one to depress. Bet you are all glad I can comment again, he he. Point being, we double delay via the BB’s; it may be 3 BB’s so less than an inch but on the face of it that seems if you could time it right (Via the correct distance, so amount of BB’s) for the bolt face BB’s to contract, and the carrier ones expand; but! In a manner that doesn’t jam. Because it is just enough to slow the bolt, a wee bit more – Bullet leaves, bolt face pulls out goes forward & THEN! Right there, the rear BB can disengage. Possibly lacking some give somewhere, but it might work if you play around a bit.

    • What I like about the original one in the video (And perhaps my idea) is – The bolt carrier/face the whole thing… Is, isn’t lovely and slim; a slim tube. I like that. It looks very well made like.

    • In an AR in 5.56mm maybe we could reinforce the upper reciever, to accomdate said new “Dimple holes” via welding on a plate, to the outside or something. Bullet leaves quick, if we could just time that right – Might work, outcome no gas system .223 AR.

    • Maybe a wee spring between BB 4 & 5 giving overall length of 6 BB’s… Meh, they’ll be a way; must be cheaper than Ar’s with albeit simple gas systems. Anyway I will shut up. Newtons cradle.

      • Now I am extremely confused. Do you intend said design to be possibly cheap, if so why create multitudinous of parts, rather than using one example?

      • Pdb, I see your logorrheical lucidum intervalum is back hehe.
        I also see you like newtons cradle.
        Why not instead of long firing pin, fill the firing pin channel/hole with ball bearings and one short fat pin at the end ? No more broken long pins.

        • Thanks, hey I am just putting it out there… Originally posting on here Keith in England informed me powder burns as it travelled up the barrel; which was news to me. I am big supporter of the notion of the archieve, if I could pay for it I’d do it now to record you guys knowledge.

  5. What about using it in pistols with one ball bearing, like Korriphila pistol has 1 roller ?
    I often wonder why the korrip. system was not used on some other guns. Finicky ?

    • oooh, that looks nice if expensive… Think they did a video on here once about, that gun. Can’t remember. So many guns, not enough memory. Definately need the archieve, unfortunately I am only have about 100 quid currently.

          • This is 1st time I encounter such corrupted way of writing GBP, anyway 100 should suffice for Modern Combat Pistols : The Development of Semi-Automatic Pistols for Military and Police Service since 1945 book, if you wish to have internet-independent repository of knowledge.

    • I was sort of right… “In that it would” it would the bolt face BB’s, run down behind the actual (Delay surfaces) 7 say, even “Ejector port length” into the carrier. The carrier itself has the arrangement as the bolt face “BB delay lark” which interact with the reciever… The bolt face moves the carrier back, the distance to allow those bb’s to contract. In so doing, they knock the BB’s behind… Which impact on the same set up NOW in the carrier “As in the bolt face/interacting with the reciever this time.” When the carrier moves back abit via the bolt face impact. SOOO… What happens is reverse. The carrier to move back further needs to push the bolt face forward. At this point.

      Now at this point. If the delay is not enough “Low mass etc of bolt face” it could run a tube from its rear through to the rear of the mainspring, aye… For example. The bolt face, eh. Now said spring is being contracted by the carrier. So it would need to overcome… Be a way… Wait.

        • Is… Er… Right, the bolt face will pull via the extension rod “From it’s rear to the rear of the mainspring via said rod running through it.” Pinch. A bit – Upon the carrier BB’s being disengaged, and… Has the bullet left? Going to be along these lines… He he.

          • Round up, it does work; in my opinion. A. it doesn’t need the spring rod; bullet is going fast & and the semi opening thus of the bolt face I.e. It moving into the carrier pe se, supports the case enough on this small amount of rearward movement, or we mess around with the spring. Point Hipoint priced Ar’s. Hunters need hunting tools. Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel… Brandine etc. Ways.

          • The spring thing, could be a good idea, if it doesn’t “Said wee movement at said point” affect it’s forward travel, it won’t I say; because the carrier needs to move and can’t without squishing the spring, so it will – But on the fave of it “Fag packet drawings” it should’nt, there is no difference between the face rod lentgh… To contract forward (Pinch) to it in its in battery position. Might be, but I can’t see it currently. Right I will leave that there, he he.

          • The carrier couldn’t recoil, until it pushed so pinched; the spring attached to the bolt face, allowing the bbs to go forward. If needed, so the spring is not under pressure from the carrier…

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