Our friend Thibaud has spent some time translating a report from the Belgian 1886 rifle trials into English – thank you, Thibaud! He notes that the text has a lot of specifically Belgian terminology and […]
This guest article written by Andrey Ulanov. When a new weapon model gets to the front, there is always a risk of it getting captured by the enemy. Armed forces go to great lengths to […]
Thanks to our friend Hrachya, to day we have a manual for the Russian PP2000 submachine gun. The PP2000 is a very recent development, and has been in use with the Russian Ministry of the […]
With features like, non-moving sights, simple and strong trigger mechanism and non-seeing but feeling safety, Margolin is a very well made pistol but of somewhat archaic, even dangerious field stripping. Blindness of inventor reflects on some features especially on safety and sights construction.
There is something “archaic” even ‘arcane’ on many Russian firearms in the way they are conceived. I somehow grew used to it thru time and expect it. It is probably testimony to their unique way of conception of these intriguing devices.
If thought rather detailed, Margolin’s takedown seems as the best way to be preferred. The inventor should aim, revolver like solid, unmoving, unremoving, holding the adjustments unchanged nearly all over life of the gun, sights and constructed the rear
sight located on a permanently riveted bridge on the receiver giving a long sight radius,
the barrel was also an integral part of the frame and there should be only one way to take out the reciprocing slide; to the backwards. Later .22″ target pistols of same class
like Browning Nomad or High Standart,have barrels and rear sight mounting bars or bridges
removable and therefore, subject to be worn in the time as not retaining the given adjustements. It seems, as a traditional target pistol construction, archaic, Colt 1905 type take down was unavoidable. However, there is a US Patent SN.7726230 bringing rather
different approach for such kinds of target pistol cocepts.
Don’t you confuse Margolin DP version with Blum .22LR machine gun (Малокалиберный пулемёт Блюма) used as a device mounted externally parallel to barrel of machine gun (Maxim or Degtyaryov gun)?
Margolin also designed ТКБ-205 pistol using 9mm PP-39 cartridge (similar to later 9×18 Makarov) blowback pistol. What is interesting it has only 23 factory elements (see upper drawing from link). During the test some flaws were detected, but the decision was to further develop this pistol, but this project was abandoned after outbreak of Great Patriotic War, because Red Army has more urgent requirements that new pistol.
Description in Russian: http://www.arms.ru/Guns/tkb205.htm
It is reported that Sherlock Holmes stories were popular in Russia before and after the revolution, at least in part by the urging of the Soviet government (they thought it would encourage deductive thinking, etc.) In the Adventure of the Empty House Col. Moran tries to shoot Sherlock with an air gun that was made by “Von Herder, the blind German mechanic.” Of course Conan Doyle was just making up stuff mostly out of thin air, and the Von Herder character does not seem to have been based on any real person. Is it possible that the gun designer, or others who knew him, had read that story and that story planted a seed for life to imitate art?
Believe it or not, these pistols can be had around here for roughly 40 USD. There is a ton of them left from old times. They are the best competition pistol one get get without spending a serious amount of dough.
Hi Bob, around here would be Hungary. Are you in interested in how you could acquire one of these to take back to the US? (I’m assuming you are in the States, please correct me if I’m wrong).
I got one of these early MTsUs (Ts is actually a phonetic version of what C would be in Russian) in 22 Short, and I can assure you they are wonderful guns. Mine is s/n A0024 and was one of the first three MCUs imported from Russia for Polish sport shooters in 1956. One salient feature that Ian left out is, that the MCU’s slide is made of aluminum, whereas all the 22 LR versions have steel slides.
The MC (MTs) stand for Margolina, Tselevyi or Margolin’s Target (pistol). The first model in .22 LR only was manufactured as of 1949 in two sizes: MC-k (MC-korotkostvolnyi, or MTs-short barreled) with 5,5-in bbl and MC-d (MC-dlinnostvolnyi, MTs-long barreled, with 7-inch bbl. These were the ones and only Margolin pistols, that Mikhail Margolin actually had created. The rest of the development was done after he left Tula TOZ factory and TsKIB design bureau to become a head of the Tushino-based DOSAAF paramilitary organization sports center. While in Tushino (near Moscow) he designed a single-shot Zarya pistol, and a popular pneumatic pistol for initial training, the MG-60.
The early MC pistol had a different front sight, screwdriver adjustable, and a safety lever – bolt catch (only manually operated to hold the bolt open for inspection – it never was a typical automatic bolt hold-open).
In 1956 the long and short variants were discontinued, replaced by new MC (MTs) with an intermediate 150 mm (6-in) bbl. In 1953 a new variant appeared, an aluminum-slided .22 Short MC-1 (MTs-1), a forerunner of the 1955 introduced MC-U (MTsU, MTs [pod] Ukorochennyi [patron], MC for Short round). The MC-1 was deemed the champion-class pistol, while MCU was a notch lower grade sporting model – that’s why they were manufactured parallel to each other until early 1960s, when the MC-1 was discontinued. Both had a shorter frame of the prototype MC. The early pistols had a dovetail, like MC-d/k, while with the MC-U a new donut-shaped weights were introduced, impaled on the muzzle-break. This way you had a weight much more forward, so more effective, while actually lighter. As of 1960 the designation dropped the hyphen, to become just MCU.
The MC-1 was premiered in 1954 at the World Shoot in Caracas, where Zabyelin won individual gold in Rapid Fire event, then Krapotin took another individual gold at the next shoot, 1958 in Moscow (with Zabyelin – silver), and Zabyelin again claimed his gold in 1962 in Cairo (where Tagny and Yulina took gold and silver in female Rapid Fire).
In the late 1950s the front sight of the MC-1/MC-U (microadjustable with finger-wheel) replaced the older style front sight in what was now known as simpy MC (MTs) – no hyphens, no letters, no nothing.
After 1970 all older models, the MC in .22LR and both MC-1 and MCU in .22 Short were discontinued, replaced by the new MCM (MTsM, for Modernizirovannyi, or Modernized) series, consisting of MCM in .22 LR and MCU-M, a variant of the MCM chambered in .22 Short and fitted with an aluminum slide. The frame was now unified, of the larger model, the slide was changed from the 1950s model with flat slide key and protruding ears on the slide rear, to the now familiar flat sides with wider key, protruding to the sides. With the MCM model the safety lever was discontinud, just like on the MC-1/MCU earlier on.
In 1988 Izhmash which took over production of the MCM from Tula, introduced a MCM-K – essentially a sawn-off 4-inch bbl MCM intended for KGB(?) concealed carry. This pistol was revived in 1990s, fitted with still shorter 3,5-in bbl (90 mm), and released in two models: as Drel chambered for 5.45×18 PSM (service use only) and Margo in .22 LR for (privileged enough to rate a gun permit) public. The MCM, Drels and Margos are still manufactured in Russia.
Leszek, I had an opportunity to shoot both types. I never did take pains to find out what were the signatures, so to speak. I was given to udnerstand that the one shooting the .22LR was target pistol, whereas the one shooting .22Short was for another discipline, which was called (in rought translation) “fast pistol”, that is shooting at 4?/6? silhouettes after they made themselves visible for a couple of seconds. Truth to tell, I never did reach this stage. However, I was told that the reason this pistol was shooting .22Short was that in this way reloading the pistol after each shot took less time (an important consideration in view of those opening and shutting targets).
Leszek, thanks very much for this history of the pistol. It is sometimes quite difficult to get real solid info about the progression in the design of the gun. I knew that Margolin had been the original designer but had not known about how it was further developed.
Through Igor’s toz35 blog (http://toz35.blogspot.com/) I was able to get a copy of AP Danilov’s book (in Russia) on modifying the Margolin for improved performance (Chapter 6) written in 1968. It is a little surprising that his tweets were not incorporated, especially the trigger spring mod. We has an elite shooter here in Australia, Alex Taransky, who made a minor 2nd career out of modifying Margolins. I saw one of his pistols the other day. Beautifully made barrel weight and with the trigger spring mod. The owner refuses to sell!
Once again, thanks.
Hi Leszek Erenfeicht, Thank you for your brilliant explanation following the development of the MTsUs.
Is there any way you can pass on development information about the single-shot Free Pistol MU 2-3 (MTs 2-3, 22LR 50metre pistol)and others in the same production (MU 2-1, MU 2-2, MU 2-3)?
I live in South Africa and have the MU 2-3. I would love to have information to parts,diagrams instructions and anything else about this extremely accurate and beautiful pistol.
With the recent advent of television ‘dumping’ any sports that are slow moving or with minimal viewer appeal, the Free Pistol event(oldest surviving modern Olympic event)has already been relegated to a “back seat”, so I hope to collect as much information about my MU 2-3 Free Pistol as possible.
Dave Campbell
I love that clip at the end.
It is purely out of principle that I’ll point out that Leia only looked to the right before switching off the recording (and of course that she didn’t hold her pistol either. but that would ruin the whole reference)… and I’m slightly disappointed that you didn’t put your hair up for that shot.
Where will you go from here? Will you shoot Greedo with a Mauser C96? or will you completely miss a target with a Sterling Mk4?
Astonishing story and even more astonishing results of dedication of blind man who took the absolute challenge. Very refreshing indeed. Thanks for story (-ies and additions by readers) and video!
Helloah, Ian and Friends, once again my compliments for your precious and rare finds ! I also have a story about this wonderful pistol. In my previous job I was export manager in a machinery industry and had a huge jurisdiction area incl. 16 EU countries + N. America, Israel & Palestine.
I had long business trips, some of them of 2 weeks, so I tought myself that in the week-end inbetween I could go shooting somewhere around… I shot full-auto Skorpion in Bratislava, more SMGs full-auto like Husqvarna M37 and Carl Gustaf M45 in Stockholm and a number of rifles, pistols & revolvers in Germany, Austria, Belgium and in the Baltic. Up north there, in Riga, capital town of Latvia, I went to the shooting club and met one guy, a Russian born there, who took part to the Atlanta Olympics. He gave me his own Margolin for quite a number of rounds, well guys, I am left-handed and despite shooting with lefthand and (slightly) right-handed grip, I shot a lot of 9s and 10s ! That pistol does not look too fancy, but believe me, it is a marvellous straight-shooter ! Have much fun with it !
Hi Tom , No I don’t have the licenses needed to import guns from outside of the U.S. But I was wondering where a quality target pistol would sell for such a reasonable amount as $40. and what a person living there would hav to do to buy one. Thanks,
This link will give a lot of info on USSR sporting guns. I suggest one learns the cyrillic alphabet. I practice on RT.com where there is a section for that. http://www.shooting-ua.com/arm.htm
I recently purchased a used “Vostok MU 2-3 s/n 6601..” advertised as 22LR. Unfortunately, it appears that it may be chambered long or short. There is no marking that I can see other than MU -2-3 and the S/N. The LR cartridge can be jammed in, but, lands and grooves are biting the bullet. The empty case does not eject. A 22 short fits fiene, shots fine and ejects fine. I do not have a 22 Long to test. I have spent an hour deleading and cleaning the chamber, no difference was found. How do I tell what the gun is chambered for? Thanks Bob
I think mine is a MU 2-3.
It uses 22LR.
They were made around 1956.
It’s the model using a bolt action and using the trigger guard to cock the action.
Mine is very accurate and the only way you know if you pressed the trigger is if it fires.
From memory the bullet does engage in the rifling a bit.
Hi Bob
I have the same Mts 2-3 (MU 2-3) (690…) and I also had some .22 LONG RIFLE bullets that are difficult to chamber, had to use real muscles to load. Can’t remember which brand.
I live in Pinetown South Africa and have competed ISU ISSF Free Pistol since 1980’s and love the action of my MU 2-3 (MTs 2-3). My Pistol was previously owned by Gavin Carson and then Albert Seago.
As much as I can find out from reading internet sites, the MU 2-3 (MTs 2.3) was designed for only one bullet, the .22Long Rifle. The MtsZ-1 (think that is right) was the upside-down .22Short Rapid Fire Pistol that was used in 1956 and subsequent rules made it obsolete.
If your MU 2-3 is chambered for the .22 Short it would have needed a complete barrel-change which would have been an amazing machine job for even the best gunsmith.
The previous owner of your pistol probably shot thousands of .22Short (even High velocity with copper jackets) which would have caused a very strong build-up in the LR barrel. You might have to use a much stronger brass cleaning brush with a lot of elbow-grease to clean out the lead and/or brass BUT IT WILL BE WORTH ALL OF THE SWEAT.
I need Strip-down information, spares, and factory diagrams because this seems to be non-existent.
Hello Dave. I thought the same thing and cleaned it very well. However, I was getting rifling marks on the lead bullet when I extracted the cartridge, a full 1/8″ up the bullet. To me, this indicates it was chambered for.22 short. I have been told that the factory could have custom made this gun as a .22 short. I returned the gun and replaced it with a Margolin. Good luck finding strip down info, parts, etc.
Hi Dave
My name is Robin Raphael, i am from Cape Town, South africa. I am also looking for more info on the MU2-3. My father inlaw passed away recently and we found he had owned one. He had Springbok colours for free pistol. ( jan Kemp). I would very much like to chat, and perhaps also read the article you found in the old SA Marksman magazine. I am contactable on robin@xcelliton.com
Hi Robin
Thanks for your interest.
I have been shooting ISSF events since 1979 and the only MU 2-3 I have ever seen is the one I own and have mentioned on the forgottenweapons.com website.
I have searched the internet for more information about the American team shooting against South Africa and cannot find anything. Someone will have to find the original articles or scoresheets and put images onto the internet.
I have found the name of Mrs. Z Kemp but nothing on Jan Kemp yet.
Am still looking for a MU 2-3 target pistol diagrams with legend or parts list.
G’day from Australia.
I still use a Margolin as my ISSF competition gun. Unlike the. 22LR model you show, mine has a safety catch/hold open lever on the left side. Cumbersome, but it does work.
It cost me $120 Australian some years ago (about $80 US), and it still performs right up there with the $2000 top grade guns on the line at matches.
Provided old stupid here does his part, off a barricade (service style), using CCI Standard, it will print all ten inside a thumbnail at 25m.
I don’t care how ugly or archaic it looks, I would not trade it in for anything.
Now, if I could just find some more magazines….
I am desperate for some parts for my Margolin semi auto Vostok target pistol. I am missing the extractor, extractor follower and follower spring for my pistol. These would be parts 18, 19 and 20 on the manual for this pistol. Is there any source for these parts?
Hi John,
I feel your pain. There is no “official” source of parts for these glorious pistols. Down here in Australia we have a fairly enthusiastic mob of Margolin owners so a Wanted ad on the local used guns sites can turn up something. Trouble is, the parts are getting harder and harder to find. A search on eBay can turn up surprising results but they come and go. Sellers in Russia and Ukraine are the best.
Good luck with your quest.
Hi John, where are you, that is which country? US or somewhere else?
I am trying to get some response from the sellers I’ve had contact within RU and I’ll put a wanted ad up on one of our local, Australian used gun sites; see what that gets us. Please don’t hold your breath. I’ll keep you posted.
Sorry Raoul I don’t know of any but feel sure that if you put a Wanted ad on one of the used gun websites, you’ll get some response. They are out there.
Hi John, good news for you! I have located an extractor, pin and spring here in Australia! A$50 for the set with postage on top – not many additional dollars. I’ll need an email address so we can correspond off line. Mine is bobgee65 (at) gmail.com.
Hi John, good news for you! I have located an extractor, pin and spring here in Australia! A$50 for the set with postage on top – not many additional dollars. I’ll need an email address so we can correspond off line. Mine is bobgee65 (at) gmail.com.
I have never seen the reference as TOZ MARGOLIN MC 2-3, only VOSTOK which I believe was the name for a broad spectrum of weapons that were exported from Russia to the Western countries during the early years.
It will be extremely interesting to find a chart of Russian serial numbers to learn which numbers were earlier models and the actual years of manufacture. I thought mine was/is the earlier model 2-3 because it only the MU 2-3 and a six digit serial number. Mine also has different fonts and has no logo or year.
I hope there still some elderly shooters who have paper documents with information about the MU 2-3, from Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, Denmark, France.
Many thanks for your information.
I think 99/% of current MU 2-3 owners probably need parts diagrams, parts lists, spares and all other factory data, so please keep posting and searching.
With features like, non-moving sights, simple and strong trigger mechanism and non-seeing but feeling safety, Margolin is a very well made pistol but of somewhat archaic, even dangerious field stripping. Blindness of inventor reflects on some features especially on safety and sights construction.
There is something “archaic” even ‘arcane’ on many Russian firearms in the way they are conceived. I somehow grew used to it thru time and expect it. It is probably testimony to their unique way of conception of these intriguing devices.
If thought rather detailed, Margolin’s takedown seems as the best way to be preferred. The inventor should aim, revolver like solid, unmoving, unremoving, holding the adjustments unchanged nearly all over life of the gun, sights and constructed the rear
sight located on a permanently riveted bridge on the receiver giving a long sight radius,
the barrel was also an integral part of the frame and there should be only one way to take out the reciprocing slide; to the backwards. Later .22″ target pistols of same class
like Browning Nomad or High Standart,have barrels and rear sight mounting bars or bridges
removable and therefore, subject to be worn in the time as not retaining the given adjustements. It seems, as a traditional target pistol construction, archaic, Colt 1905 type take down was unavoidable. However, there is a US Patent SN.7726230 bringing rather
different approach for such kinds of target pistol cocepts.
Don’t you confuse Margolin DP version with Blum .22LR machine gun (Малокалиберный пулемёт Блюма) used as a device mounted externally parallel to barrel of machine gun (Maxim or Degtyaryov gun)?
Margolin also designed ТКБ-205 pistol using 9mm PP-39 cartridge (similar to later 9×18 Makarov) blowback pistol. What is interesting it has only 23 factory elements (see upper drawing from link). During the test some flaws were detected, but the decision was to further develop this pistol, but this project was abandoned after outbreak of Great Patriotic War, because Red Army has more urgent requirements that new pistol.
Description in Russian: http://www.arms.ru/Guns/tkb205.htm
(So far I know the Margolin machine-gun was “standalone” version of DP, when the early Blum machine guns were fitted into gun barrel.)
It is reported that Sherlock Holmes stories were popular in Russia before and after the revolution, at least in part by the urging of the Soviet government (they thought it would encourage deductive thinking, etc.) In the Adventure of the Empty House Col. Moran tries to shoot Sherlock with an air gun that was made by “Von Herder, the blind German mechanic.” Of course Conan Doyle was just making up stuff mostly out of thin air, and the Von Herder character does not seem to have been based on any real person. Is it possible that the gun designer, or others who knew him, had read that story and that story planted a seed for life to imitate art?
Believe it or not, these pistols can be had around here for roughly 40 USD. There is a ton of them left from old times. They are the best competition pistol one get get without spending a serious amount of dough.
Tom: I would like to be around here to buy one for $40.00 US. Where is around here? What legal hurdles must one clear for someone to buy one?
Hi Bob, around here would be Hungary. Are you in interested in how you could acquire one of these to take back to the US? (I’m assuming you are in the States, please correct me if I’m wrong).
A quick check at Gunbroker.com shows that any FFL can import single guns if they fill out the right forms: http://www.gunbroker.com/support/SupportFaqView.aspx?faqid=1110
Just need to find a FFL willing to jump through all the right hoops and someone patient enough on the other end.
I got one of these early MTsUs (Ts is actually a phonetic version of what C would be in Russian) in 22 Short, and I can assure you they are wonderful guns. Mine is s/n A0024 and was one of the first three MCUs imported from Russia for Polish sport shooters in 1956. One salient feature that Ian left out is, that the MCU’s slide is made of aluminum, whereas all the 22 LR versions have steel slides.
The MC (MTs) stand for Margolina, Tselevyi or Margolin’s Target (pistol). The first model in .22 LR only was manufactured as of 1949 in two sizes: MC-k (MC-korotkostvolnyi, or MTs-short barreled) with 5,5-in bbl and MC-d (MC-dlinnostvolnyi, MTs-long barreled, with 7-inch bbl. These were the ones and only Margolin pistols, that Mikhail Margolin actually had created. The rest of the development was done after he left Tula TOZ factory and TsKIB design bureau to become a head of the Tushino-based DOSAAF paramilitary organization sports center. While in Tushino (near Moscow) he designed a single-shot Zarya pistol, and a popular pneumatic pistol for initial training, the MG-60.
The early MC pistol had a different front sight, screwdriver adjustable, and a safety lever – bolt catch (only manually operated to hold the bolt open for inspection – it never was a typical automatic bolt hold-open).
In 1956 the long and short variants were discontinued, replaced by new MC (MTs) with an intermediate 150 mm (6-in) bbl. In 1953 a new variant appeared, an aluminum-slided .22 Short MC-1 (MTs-1), a forerunner of the 1955 introduced MC-U (MTsU, MTs [pod] Ukorochennyi [patron], MC for Short round). The MC-1 was deemed the champion-class pistol, while MCU was a notch lower grade sporting model – that’s why they were manufactured parallel to each other until early 1960s, when the MC-1 was discontinued. Both had a shorter frame of the prototype MC. The early pistols had a dovetail, like MC-d/k, while with the MC-U a new donut-shaped weights were introduced, impaled on the muzzle-break. This way you had a weight much more forward, so more effective, while actually lighter. As of 1960 the designation dropped the hyphen, to become just MCU.
The MC-1 was premiered in 1954 at the World Shoot in Caracas, where Zabyelin won individual gold in Rapid Fire event, then Krapotin took another individual gold at the next shoot, 1958 in Moscow (with Zabyelin – silver), and Zabyelin again claimed his gold in 1962 in Cairo (where Tagny and Yulina took gold and silver in female Rapid Fire).
In the late 1950s the front sight of the MC-1/MC-U (microadjustable with finger-wheel) replaced the older style front sight in what was now known as simpy MC (MTs) – no hyphens, no letters, no nothing.
After 1970 all older models, the MC in .22LR and both MC-1 and MCU in .22 Short were discontinued, replaced by the new MCM (MTsM, for Modernizirovannyi, or Modernized) series, consisting of MCM in .22 LR and MCU-M, a variant of the MCM chambered in .22 Short and fitted with an aluminum slide. The frame was now unified, of the larger model, the slide was changed from the 1950s model with flat slide key and protruding ears on the slide rear, to the now familiar flat sides with wider key, protruding to the sides. With the MCM model the safety lever was discontinud, just like on the MC-1/MCU earlier on.
In 1988 Izhmash which took over production of the MCM from Tula, introduced a MCM-K – essentially a sawn-off 4-inch bbl MCM intended for KGB(?) concealed carry. This pistol was revived in 1990s, fitted with still shorter 3,5-in bbl (90 mm), and released in two models: as Drel chambered for 5.45×18 PSM (service use only) and Margo in .22 LR for (privileged enough to rate a gun permit) public. The MCM, Drels and Margos are still manufactured in Russia.
A senior workshop master from Diana/Rastatt still remembers shooting international Standard and Rapid Fire Pistol Competitions against the Margolins.
Nowadays somewhat forgotten
Olympic Rapid Fire, ISSF Standard and Air pistols nowadays are exclusively German/Swiss/Italian, only in Free Pistol@50m the occasional TOZ 35.
Leszek, I had an opportunity to shoot both types. I never did take pains to find out what were the signatures, so to speak. I was given to udnerstand that the one shooting the .22LR was target pistol, whereas the one shooting .22Short was for another discipline, which was called (in rought translation) “fast pistol”, that is shooting at 4?/6? silhouettes after they made themselves visible for a couple of seconds. Truth to tell, I never did reach this stage. However, I was told that the reason this pistol was shooting .22Short was that in this way reloading the pistol after each shot took less time (an important consideration in view of those opening and shutting targets).
Leszek, thanks very much for this history of the pistol. It is sometimes quite difficult to get real solid info about the progression in the design of the gun. I knew that Margolin had been the original designer but had not known about how it was further developed.
Through Igor’s toz35 blog (http://toz35.blogspot.com/) I was able to get a copy of AP Danilov’s book (in Russia) on modifying the Margolin for improved performance (Chapter 6) written in 1968. It is a little surprising that his tweets were not incorporated, especially the trigger spring mod. We has an elite shooter here in Australia, Alex Taransky, who made a minor 2nd career out of modifying Margolins. I saw one of his pistols the other day. Beautifully made barrel weight and with the trigger spring mod. The owner refuses to sell!
Once again, thanks.
Tweeks not tweets of course. Damned autocorrect.
Hi Leszek Erenfeicht, Thank you for your brilliant explanation following the development of the MTsUs.
Is there any way you can pass on development information about the single-shot Free Pistol MU 2-3 (MTs 2-3, 22LR 50metre pistol)and others in the same production (MU 2-1, MU 2-2, MU 2-3)?
I live in South Africa and have the MU 2-3. I would love to have information to parts,diagrams instructions and anything else about this extremely accurate and beautiful pistol.
With the recent advent of television ‘dumping’ any sports that are slow moving or with minimal viewer appeal, the Free Pistol event(oldest surviving modern Olympic event)has already been relegated to a “back seat”, so I hope to collect as much information about my MU 2-3 Free Pistol as possible.
Dave Campbell
I love that clip at the end.
It is purely out of principle that I’ll point out that Leia only looked to the right before switching off the recording (and of course that she didn’t hold her pistol either. but that would ruin the whole reference)… and I’m slightly disappointed that you didn’t put your hair up for that shot.
Where will you go from here? Will you shoot Greedo with a Mauser C96? or will you completely miss a target with a Sterling Mk4?
Astonishing story and even more astonishing results of dedication of blind man who took the absolute challenge. Very refreshing indeed. Thanks for story (-ies and additions by readers) and video!
Helloah, Ian and Friends, once again my compliments for your precious and rare finds ! I also have a story about this wonderful pistol. In my previous job I was export manager in a machinery industry and had a huge jurisdiction area incl. 16 EU countries + N. America, Israel & Palestine.
I had long business trips, some of them of 2 weeks, so I tought myself that in the week-end inbetween I could go shooting somewhere around… I shot full-auto Skorpion in Bratislava, more SMGs full-auto like Husqvarna M37 and Carl Gustaf M45 in Stockholm and a number of rifles, pistols & revolvers in Germany, Austria, Belgium and in the Baltic. Up north there, in Riga, capital town of Latvia, I went to the shooting club and met one guy, a Russian born there, who took part to the Atlanta Olympics. He gave me his own Margolin for quite a number of rounds, well guys, I am left-handed and despite shooting with lefthand and (slightly) right-handed grip, I shot a lot of 9s and 10s ! That pistol does not look too fancy, but believe me, it is a marvellous straight-shooter ! Have much fun with it !
Hi Tom , No I don’t have the licenses needed to import guns from outside of the U.S. But I was wondering where a quality target pistol would sell for such a reasonable amount as $40. and what a person living there would hav to do to buy one. Thanks,
Nice gun, pretty amazing someone designing it while blind.
Here’s another good Russian target pistol,
an air pistol, general interest.
Or simply choose the Baikal IZH 53
and have more money for pellets.
This link will give a lot of info on USSR sporting guns. I suggest one learns the cyrillic alphabet. I practice on RT.com where there is a section for that.
I recently purchased a used “Vostok MU 2-3 s/n 6601..” advertised as 22LR. Unfortunately, it appears that it may be chambered long or short. There is no marking that I can see other than MU -2-3 and the S/N. The LR cartridge can be jammed in, but, lands and grooves are biting the bullet. The empty case does not eject. A 22 short fits fiene, shots fine and ejects fine. I do not have a 22 Long to test. I have spent an hour deleading and cleaning the chamber, no difference was found. How do I tell what the gun is chambered for? Thanks Bob
I think mine is a MU 2-3.
It uses 22LR.
They were made around 1956.
It’s the model using a bolt action and using the trigger guard to cock the action.
Mine is very accurate and the only way you know if you pressed the trigger is if it fires.
From memory the bullet does engage in the rifling a bit.
Hi Bob
I have the same Mts 2-3 (MU 2-3) (690…) and I also had some .22 LONG RIFLE bullets that are difficult to chamber, had to use real muscles to load. Can’t remember which brand.
I live in Pinetown South Africa and have competed ISU ISSF Free Pistol since 1980’s and love the action of my MU 2-3 (MTs 2-3). My Pistol was previously owned by Gavin Carson and then Albert Seago.
As much as I can find out from reading internet sites, the MU 2-3 (MTs 2.3) was designed for only one bullet, the .22Long Rifle. The MtsZ-1 (think that is right) was the upside-down .22Short Rapid Fire Pistol that was used in 1956 and subsequent rules made it obsolete.
If your MU 2-3 is chambered for the .22 Short it would have needed a complete barrel-change which would have been an amazing machine job for even the best gunsmith.
The previous owner of your pistol probably shot thousands of .22Short (even High velocity with copper jackets) which would have caused a very strong build-up in the LR barrel. You might have to use a much stronger brass cleaning brush with a lot of elbow-grease to clean out the lead and/or brass BUT IT WILL BE WORTH ALL OF THE SWEAT.
I need Strip-down information, spares, and factory diagrams because this seems to be non-existent.
Hello Dave. I thought the same thing and cleaned it very well. However, I was getting rifling marks on the lead bullet when I extracted the cartridge, a full 1/8″ up the bullet. To me, this indicates it was chambered for.22 short. I have been told that the factory could have custom made this gun as a .22 short. I returned the gun and replaced it with a Margolin. Good luck finding strip down info, parts, etc.
Hi Dave
My name is Robin Raphael, i am from Cape Town, South africa. I am also looking for more info on the MU2-3. My father inlaw passed away recently and we found he had owned one. He had Springbok colours for free pistol. ( jan Kemp). I would very much like to chat, and perhaps also read the article you found in the old SA Marksman magazine. I am contactable on robin@xcelliton.com
Hi Robin
Thanks for your interest.
I have been shooting ISSF events since 1979 and the only MU 2-3 I have ever seen is the one I own and have mentioned on the forgottenweapons.com website.
I have searched the internet for more information about the American team shooting against South Africa and cannot find anything. Someone will have to find the original articles or scoresheets and put images onto the internet.
I have found the name of Mrs. Z Kemp but nothing on Jan Kemp yet.
Am still looking for a MU 2-3 target pistol diagrams with legend or parts list.
Hi Robin,
FYI, just saw a recorded sale of one on the Canadian Switzers auction site:
Went for Can$460 (incl. buyer’s premium) back in April last year (2020), so they are out there.
Regards, Bob
G’day from Australia.
I still use a Margolin as my ISSF competition gun. Unlike the. 22LR model you show, mine has a safety catch/hold open lever on the left side. Cumbersome, but it does work.
It cost me $120 Australian some years ago (about $80 US), and it still performs right up there with the $2000 top grade guns on the line at matches.
Provided old stupid here does his part, off a barricade (service style), using CCI Standard, it will print all ten inside a thumbnail at 25m.
I don’t care how ugly or archaic it looks, I would not trade it in for anything.
Now, if I could just find some more magazines….
I am desperate for some parts for my Margolin semi auto Vostok target pistol. I am missing the extractor, extractor follower and follower spring for my pistol. These would be parts 18, 19 and 20 on the manual for this pistol. Is there any source for these parts?
Hi John,
I feel your pain. There is no “official” source of parts for these glorious pistols. Down here in Australia we have a fairly enthusiastic mob of Margolin owners so a Wanted ad on the local used guns sites can turn up something. Trouble is, the parts are getting harder and harder to find. A search on eBay can turn up surprising results but they come and go. Sellers in Russia and Ukraine are the best.
Good luck with your quest.
Hi BobGee
I don’t suppose that you would have any listings of Margolin parts sellers in Russia and Ukraine? Still desperate.
I will ask around. Don’t have one handy.
Good luck.
Hi John, where are you, that is which country? US or somewhere else?
I am trying to get some response from the sellers I’ve had contact within RU and I’ll put a wanted ad up on one of our local, Australian used gun sites; see what that gets us. Please don’t hold your breath. I’ll keep you posted.
Bob, if you know of any magazines, please let me know (I’m in Bris). Cheers
Sorry Raoul I don’t know of any but feel sure that if you put a Wanted ad on one of the used gun websites, you’ll get some response. They are out there.
Hi John, good news for you! I have located an extractor, pin and spring here in Australia! A$50 for the set with postage on top – not many additional dollars. I’ll need an email address so we can correspond off line. Mine is bobgee65 (at) gmail.com.
Hi John, good news for you! I have located an extractor, pin and spring here in Australia! A$50 for the set with postage on top – not many additional dollars. I’ll need an email address so we can correspond off line. Mine is bobgee65 (at) gmail.com.
John C Shaffer, I have found your extractor parts. If you no longer need them, please advise.
Hi BobGee,
I love the images of the MU 2-3 on your auction URL. https://bid.switzersauction.com/TOZ-MODEL-MARGOLIN-MC-2-3-CALIBER-22-LR_i36603464
I have never seen the reference as TOZ MARGOLIN MC 2-3, only VOSTOK which I believe was the name for a broad spectrum of weapons that were exported from Russia to the Western countries during the early years.
It will be extremely interesting to find a chart of Russian serial numbers to learn which numbers were earlier models and the actual years of manufacture. I thought mine was/is the earlier model 2-3 because it only the MU 2-3 and a six digit serial number. Mine also has different fonts and has no logo or year.
I hope there still some elderly shooters who have paper documents with information about the MU 2-3, from Russia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Norway, Denmark, France.
Many thanks for your information.
I think 99/% of current MU 2-3 owners probably need parts diagrams, parts lists, spares and all other factory data, so please keep posting and searching.