Today we are taking the Laugo Alien out to the range – let’s see if the hype is real!
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Semiauto pistol
Well, there was my answer at the very end of the video – not your gun. I was going to ask if enlarging the ejection port by cutting into the removable top strap would lessen the incidence of bouncing cases back through the ejection port off your thumb. It’s a very interesting pistol action – yesterday’s video was eye opening. I had thought it another CZ knockoff.
I doubt they want to cut into the top strap, in the interest of minimizing gas to the optic lens face.
It does appear that a LH kit wouldn’t require many parts to be changed.
The gas-delayed design does seem to just shift where the heat will build up, making this action unsuited to service use. Rigid barrel is great, as is rigid sight frame. I suspect they considered the Pedersen & roller-delayed (e.g. Maxim9) actions, and declined them for reasons.
In that price range a left hand model seems likely once they have time to make the tooling.
It’s quite a testament to both designers that it took 100 years to make a significant improvement on Browning’s last pistol design.
I am wondering what a “service grade” or “carry” model of that pistol would look like because this is the first “non browning action” ever that I see that might be truly interesting.
Left hand shooters will have to modify their hand grip. & the Europeans who have had this pistol since 2019. Will tell you, the pistol heats up real nice like the P7 did. For $5k. The hype is expensive.
It has interesting parallels with the Dreyse Model of 1910
Another Wondernine pistol. Oh, wait there are serious design differences and potential issues with the ejection setup depending on how you grip the gun, and a budget unrealistic price for most shooters that are not able to pay for a very nice, unusual race gun for competition. I would not be comfortable with the Alien as a service/duty pistol for daily carry, but for IPSC or other competitions of that type or old-fashioned bullseye competition this would be a splendid choice. Tune the ammo to your gun’s specific preferences and have a literal blast!
It’s in the same price range as a Staccato or Nighthawk. There are other companies offering high-end (ie: expensive) competition pistols, but they make their money from more reasonably priced offerings. Yet Staccato & Nighthawk seem to sell enough of their pistols to stay in business. I don’t think I’d ever want one, but I wish Luago all the best.
Does anyone know where this gun would fit in USPSA?
It’s not on their Production list, and being in 9mm puts it at a disadvantage for Limited and Limited 10.
I don’t know if it’s legit for USPSA Carry Optics, even with the slide mounted dot adapter. And if it can’t fire Major 9, it’s at a disadvantage for Open.
“Does anyone know where this gun would fit in USPSA?”(C)
This is a good question.
I also do not understand its purpose as “sports”.
A kilogram of “dry weight” and a lightweight slide facilitate the feeling of recoil.
But how will he behave with “major” ammunition?
I am somewhat confused by the lack of grooves in the barrel chamber.
For some reason, it seems to me that on P7 they are not just like that…
Take the magwell off of it, install the RDO topcover & it’d be great for Carry Optics. I don’t think it’s had enough units made to qualify for Production, but being in 9mm is not a huge disadvantage in Limited. I’ve won Limited with a 9 at our local USPSA match & I’ve lost to a 9 when shooting major. If you can shoot enough A’s fast enough, minor isn’t a big deal. Plus, you can shoot most stages without a reload, so that’s a plus. The one drawback I see to this pistol is it holds only 17 rounds in an already extended magazine: how long is it now & how many rounds would a 140mm mag hold?
I’m wondering if the single action trigger prevents it from being in USPSA Production more than the numbers?
Yeah, i shot Limited over 20 years using minor caliber (tendonitis). Nobody i knew who was a top shooter who shot major ever wanted to trade guns with me.
USPSA allows the Ruger Security 9 in Production, which uses a frame-mounted pre-cocked internal hammer.
Yeah, but isn’t it only partially cocked, like a striker gun? According to this article it is:
So not a single action gun, which is how they were describing the Laugo.
That was “cleaning”, but “unpacking”.
Great video sir. Thank you!
And, of course, the magazine.
Three pieces in a set, that’s a lot. But also a little.
Given the limited production of these pistols, this could be a problem similar to the HK, for which magazines have to be searched for during the day with a flashlight.
Only, unlike HK, it is unlikely that it will be possible to find magazines from used pistols…