Yesterday we took a look at the design choices I made for my P365, and how I put it together with . Today, I’ve got it out at the BUG Match for a trial run! Let’s see how it handles…
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Semiauto pistol
Couldn’t quite see how Mr. M. held the grip but this fellow has some interesting advice:
Speaking of the 12-shot magazine, the slightly extended grip, and the extra two rounds, seems to me to make a big difference.
Mr. M chose to install the manual safety for what I think was a good reason. I wonder if the Springfield Hellcat would have sold better or worse if it had the grip safety of its larger brethren …
Question, is that an Irish Military Jacket you are wearing in this match ? Or just a Ireland Patch ? If Jacket is available, where did you get it from please ?
It looks like paddyflage:
Kool and very interesting.
I never understood what advantage people see in a red point sight for this sort of competition, beyond destroying the concealability of the weapon. Maybe I overlooked an important part, but the me it looked as if Ian never(!) used the optical sight but smply pointed at the realistically large targets.
Probably was not the best example, of er… Targets to shoot at; you could have thrown the gun at most of them & hit them in head.
But still a compact package should you want to er… Well… Maybe you need a longer barrel and a two finger grip to engage targets with an optic beyond throwing range.
Mind you it must be said Ian is, not a great shot really; in general, an expert and fine guide to the world of firearms; but like… Maybe needs glasses or something. Fit enough, but seems to struggle at hitting barn doors so to speak… Cough! What… I am not calling him, he enjoys it; just saying he would be 2nd or 3rd… 4th of who to give a Dmr to wouldn’t he. He he, sorry no offence; I just mean some folk are better at shooting than others, like I don’t know footballers… Some folk are better than others at soccer, naturally type thing.
Anyway, tinker with it feck around! Super. Ok your a super hot ninja! “I want you to use a gun with a safety to fire under your legs, to hit 20 out of 24 clays mind; thinking of you” After doing 3 complete texas stars at 25yrds with your right hand with this and two mags then throwing the gun at the centre of a third texas star causing all the plates to fall off at once. Buy!! 26th of March, 9.99 bux 02:30hrs Tyson fury as an undercard vs Jake paul. See Unforgettable
(Ian you need to practice this, don’t mess up; think super hot ninja… But with a gun that has a safety… Disclaimer)
“(…)naturally type thing.(…)”
Do as you wish, but I would say results of pistols shooting depends greatly at time spent training, take for example winner of pistol shootings of 1948. London summer Olympics
He used left hand (see photo), as his right hand was maimed in accident few years earlier.
It would be neat if you timed yourself at your desert sub gun range with a practical course of fire with both grip modules as they are so easy to swap… would be interesting to see how it affected the times.