Creating my Shughart Black Hawk Down M14 Clone

Enter to win this awesome Black Hawk Down M14 Clone!
Deadline to enter is 9/27/2024 @ 11:59 PM PST

I figured it might be worthwhile to document the process of putting together my clone of Randy Shughart’s M14 from 1993 Mogadishu…so here we go.


      • While you do martial cosplay your country is invaded across its non-existent border, a president is in effect appointed and the deep state pursue lawfare and assassination against the opposition. Hope you feel heroin playing Black Hawk Down. Mama Kamala will be confiscating your war toys anon

  1. I quite like this M14, M16 hybrid kind of contraption:
    I’d like to try it in 7.62 Nato, but instead of extra mass around the barrel “To replace the delay, of the direct impingement; mitigated usually by the expansion of gas within the carrier, due short turning circle of the multi lugged bolt.” with a spring and (Contraption) aye, essentially an AR recoil spring and buffer; however said buffer is hollow to fit around the barrel (Spring to fit also) and what happens is: The rod, impacted by the M14 piston interacts with said “Buffer” design aforesaid “Around the barrel” quite… In that it squishes the spring against the front of the trunnion, indeed… But! Check this, it releases said spring/buffer thing “Shape eh, around the barrel.” after compressing it, yes. It does this via a simple tilt device attached to said rod… It moves back about 3″ then a hinge now attached to said rod… Bends via passing over a pin through the handguard (On the return, it is sloped at the front to interact with a corresponding / towards the gas block to return it inline with the piston.) aye “Following me?” Why? Well, the spring replaces the need for mass as above & doubles as a recoil counter balance I.e. It is timed “The buffer thing to shoot forward and smack the gas block” at! The point the gun moves back Ak 107 style, all within the circular handguard.

    Just to see if it helped in 7.62mm If so, good; nice layout, sort of a bullpup.

    • Rudimentary, yet to draw Mk1 on the back of a cig packet; but I think I know what I mean. Quite good, basically. Not drank for a week, not productive, he he.

      • It would be along those lines; not precise, rudimentary. BANG!!! Pop, whack, squish, ping/bullet exit, repeat. Inline stock etc, he was probably thinking 7.62mm .556mm prototype… Perhaps.

  2. Nice video/gun, he he. I like those wee Soccom M14 things. So much so, I could live with having anyone as President even Boris Johnson; as i’d be like “My wee M14 is so sexy, I love you.” take my AR.

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