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FN-49 Manual

As a followup to the FAL manual, how about one for the FN49? FN Model 49 Operator’s Manual (English) As always, it has been added to the Original Manuals page in the Vault.

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FN-FAL Manual

Ok, so the FAL isn’t a forgotten weapon by a long shot. However, it is an important piece in the development of modern military firearms.  So to help promote a deeper understanding of how it […]

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British EM-2

The EM-2 was the result of a British research and development program looking for a replacement for the venerable Lee Enfield rifle after WWII. As with just about every other country on the planet, they […]

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Czech ZH29

The Czech ZH29 is a meticulously made example of early semiautomatic rifle design. Made in the era before WWII when great care was taken in making arms, the only stamped parts on it are the […]

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Gerat 06H

If you look at a Gerat 06H and squint really hard, you can almost see and HK91. Ok, only if you have some imagination – but the two are intimately related. The Gerat (“Device”) 06H […]