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Submachine Guns

Romanian Orita SMG

When most folks think of the Axis powers in World War II, they think of Germany, Italy, and Japan. While these were certainly the dominant countries, we shouldn’t let them completely overshadow the smaller countries […]

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Submachine Guns

Danuvia 39M

None of Pál D. Király’s guns achieved monumental fame, but he had a long and successful career as a weapons design engineer and became one of those few gun designers who developed a novel operating system […]

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Submachine Guns

Dual-Magazine MP40/I

From the first introduction of detachable magazines on firearms, people have been looking for ways to increase magazine capacity. Whether it is drum mags, longer box mags, jungle clips to connect multiple mags together, or […]

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Submachine Guns

Mors wz.39 SMG

I’m very happy to present another guest article by Leszek Erenfeicht today, on a very rare and quite unusual Polish submachine gun from the years just prior to WWII. As always, Leszek does a great […]

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Submachine Guns

Brazil’s Uru SMG

Rough, Rugged, Reliable! by Ronaldo Olive (originally published in Harris Publications’ FULL AUTO magazine) Think of a World War II military Jeep for a moment. Okay? Now,, what have you got in your mind?I can […]