How Does it Work

How Does It Work: Toggle Actions

Toggle actions are a relatively exotic locking system that are relatively common and well-known because the system was used in a pair of particularly successful early guns: the Luger and Maxim/Vickers. There have also been […]

How Does it Work

How Does It Work: Roller Delayed Blowback

Roller delayed blowback originated in the Mauser company R&D department when engineers were attempting to design a roller-locked version of the G43 rifle. They found that when the bolt bounced in automatic fire, the system […]

How Does it Work

How Does It Work: Roller Locking

Roller locking is a system that is not used in many guns and often confused with roller-delayed blowback – which is understandable, given the similarities between the systems. Roller locking is really a sub-type of […]

How Does it Work

How Does It Work: Lever Delayed Blowback

Lever-delayed blowback is a relatively uncommon action system, although it is applicable to a wide variety fo firearms and has been successfully used in submachine guns, rifles, and light machine guns. It uses a principle […]

How Does it Work

How Does it Work: Stoner’s AR System

Eugene Stoner’s AR-10 and AR-15 use an operating mechanism that is often called “gas impingement,” but which is actually a cleverly structured gas piston located within the bolt carrier. Gas is tapped form the barrel […]

How Does it Work

How Does it Work: Gas-Delayed Blowback

Gas-delayed blowback is a relatively uncommon operating system used in handguns. It is not an efficient mechanism for high-pressure rifle power cartridges, but works well with something like 9mm Parabellum. It tends to provide benefits […]