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Semiauto pistol

Another Unusual Chinese Pistol

When you see a pistol with markings from multiple different manufacturers, it means one of two things: collaborative project, or Chinese workshop manufacture (or Khyber Pass workshop manufacture). Well, this one is definitely Chinese: Check […]

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Semiauto pistol

Clausius Model 1895

German inventor Claus Claudius patented a design for a long-recoil automatic pistol in 1895, and we ran across a couple photos of an example of it that was actually manufactured: We found the photo in […]

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Semmerling LM4 Video

The Semmerling LM4 has pretty much no historical significance, but it does have a pretty unusual operating system. It is a .45ACP backup pistol developed by a fellow named Philip R. Lichtman in the 1970s. […]