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Heavy MGs

Polish Hotchkiss M1914

After regaining its independence in 1918, Poland had a variety of weapons available to its armed forces, including the Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun. The Hotchkiss fed from 30-round feed strips, and was gas operated and […]

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BAR Base Shop Data

Back to something a bit more recognizable, we’re adding a 1943 copy of the M1918A2 BAR shop manual today. In addition to the usual assembly and disassembly diagrams and instructions, this also includes drawings of […]

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Light MGs

Spanish Ameli LMG

One of the less well known firearms in the roller-locked family of designs is the Spanish Ameli (a contraction of “Ametralladora ligera”), or “Special Purpose Assault Machinegun”. Developed in the late 1970s by CETME, the […]