Book Review: Osprey “Weapon” Series
We have had several people ask us about the small softcover books printed by Osprey about various types of firearms, so today we’re looking at a couple of them. Osprey has a whole series of […]
We have had several people ask us about the small softcover books printed by Osprey about various types of firearms, so today we’re looking at a couple of them. Osprey has a whole series of […]
I’m very happy to present another guest article by Leszek Erenfeicht today, on a very rare and quite unusual Polish submachine gun from the years just prior to WWII. As always, Leszek does a great […]
The internet is an amazing tool – I truly believe the revolution in communications it has ushered in is one of the pivotal paradigm shifts in human history. It has eliminated geographic restrictions on sharing […]
The Vickers-Berthier was a light machine gun that competed with the Bren unsuccessfully for British military use but was adopted by the Indian Army. We had the opportunity to handle a pair of them (an […]
Photo from the May 1940 weapons testing at Fort Belvoir. From left to right, Senator Lundeen (MN, Farmer-Labor) with a Johnson rifle, Rep. Snyder (PA, Democrat) with an M1928A1 Thompson, and Senator Thomas (OK, Democrat) […]
Fifty five years ago this week Marcos Pérez Jiménez, dictator of Venezuela, fled from power in the face of a popular uprising and botched military coup. Among other things, Jiménez had used Venzuela’s oil to […]
Most folks are aware of the M1941 Johnson semiauto rifle, which competed valiantly but unsuccessfully withthe M1 Garand for the position of standard US service rifle during WWII. What most people aren’t as familiar with […]
The Gatling Gun is interested for many reasons, and one of them is the variety of feeding mechanisms that were developed and used with it. Most firearms are designed around a single specific feeding mechanism, […]
Dolf Goldsmith has kindly offered to answer questions that pertain to his experience and expertise (primarily Korean War and earlier machine guns), for an occasional column. If you have something you would like to ask […]
Thanks to a friendly collector, we had the chance to take out one of the new, gorgeous reproduction 1877 Gatling guns being sold by Colt. It’s a near-exact replica, with the added feature of being […]
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