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Tab Clearing…

Happy Independence Day to all my American readers, and a happy Friday to everyone else! I’ve had a bunch of items come across my desk that aren’t really enough for their own posts,so I figured […]

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General Purpose MGs

PPS-43 Development Memo

Today, I’m swiping another document from the cool-but-stagnant Soviet Gun Archives. This time, it’s a memo requesting the development of what would become the PPS-43: As I haven’t had time to learn Russian yet, I […]

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Semiauto pistol

Vintage Saturday: Assassination

Precisely 100 years ago today, Serbian nationalist Gavrilo Princip (through a rather intricate series of coincidences) managed to assassinate the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne. From this localized (and botched, in many […]