Book Review – Handguns of the World by Edward Ezell
If I had to choose just one firearms book to keep (for some inexplicable reason), Edward Ezell’s “Handguns of the World” would be on the short list of books to consider. It is a […]
If I had to choose just one firearms book to keep (for some inexplicable reason), Edward Ezell’s “Handguns of the World” would be on the short list of books to consider. It is a […]
The ZK-391 is one in a series of Czech developmental semiautomatic rifles designed by Josef Koucký. It was developed initially in 1939 (hence the “39” in the designation), and was tested by the Italian military […]
Today we will look at the various different categories of machine guns – what makes them, why they exist, and what their place in military history is. Specifically… Automatic Rifle: Shoulder or hip fired, […]
I am joined today by Cy Hudson, to take a look at the early prototypes of the Hudson H9 pistol – nicknamed the Brick and the Boat Anchor – and to discuss the development […]
Today I am joined for a round table discussion (well, octagon table, technically) by Jonathan Ferguson (Curator of the National Firearms Centre collection at the Royal Armouries) and Nic Jenzen-Jones (Director of Armament Research Services) […]
The year in review with shooting! In order of appearance: EM-2 (.280/30) vz61 Skrpion kp/44 kp/31 Suomi ZB-26 RK-95/S American 180 Finnish Maxim KVKK-62 DP-28 Prototype Friberg/Kjellman SIG MP48 Dreyse light rifle PSM RSC-1918 RSC-1917 […]
Today I am joined by Forgotten Weapons Field Research Assistant Clay to test out one of those super-extended 90-round AK mags that are so often seen at the junk tables of gun shows. How bad […]
Written by Josef Mötz and Joschi Schuy, “Vom Ursprung der Selbstladepistole” (Origins of the Automatic Pistol) is an absolute gold mine of information on early manually operated and self loading pistols. It is limited to […]
Captain Percy Fraser, DSO was born on January 22, 1879 and died in Ypres on the night of February 23, 1915 while attempting to aid men wounded outside their trench. His unit of the Queen’s […]
The origins of flap-locking (as used in the G41(W), G43, DShK, DP, and RPD, among others) goes back to a Swedish Lieutenant Friberg in 1870, who patented the system. At that time, however, the fouling […]
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