I am happy to announce that I will be making another Vintage Photo calendar for 2015! Last year’s calendar was a big hit, and I’ve been using one myself to track and plan posts for the web site. Click below to see the full details and place your order!
I dug through my collection of vintage wartime photos and found a completely new set of 12 images with a great mix of interesting and less-common guns, with a nice variety of nationalities, time periods, and locations. If you enjoyed last year’s calendar, you will definitely like this one too. And if you didn’t happen to see last year’s, this is your opportunity to have something different to look at every day on your calendar besides the typical landscapes, kittens, and farmhouses.

In addition to cool gun photos, you get some other elements as well. Since we have a zillion different things reminding us of holidays (and you folks in Europe really don’t care about US-specific ones like Thanksgiving or Father’s Day), I once again left them off the calendar. Instead, I have marked the birthdates of more than 60 famous and not-so-famous gun designers from all over the world. That’s a lot more interesting, right? Hopefully, including these birthdays will also help to spur interest in some of the lesser-known names as well – like the Federle brothers or Ludwig Vorgrimler.

In addition, this year’s calendar also has captions describing each photo – that was an element that was not on last year’s and I had several requests to add it. All of this is printed on a nice glossy 100# paper, with a thick backing sheet, clear plastic cover, and spiral binding. I’m very happy with how nice the initial printings look, and I’m really excited to make them available.

I may be a bit biased, but I believe this is the best calendar available for firearms enthusiasts – it’s a great way to indulge an interest in how these guns were actually used. So get one for your own desk or office, and give a second one to a friend!
The price for the calendar is $15 plus shipping ($5 in the US; $15 internationally; no extra charge for shipping more than one to the same address). Forgotten Weapons Premium Members will receive the discounted price of $10 plus shipping (include your email address in the box when ordering, and I will refund the price difference to you). I will be taking orders until November 30, and the calendars will ship out the first or second week of December. All orders will be taken in advance, so I know how many to print.
Ordering is now closed. Thanks!
I missed last years unfortunately, won’t let that happen this time!
Hmm…the PayPal widget doesn’t seem to work. It shows a separate drop-down box for each option, instead of a single drop-down box with all the options.
Looks like I had a typo in the code – it’s fixed now.
At the Mission for Today website, you have to wade thru almost 70 pages of WWII or thereabouts military aircraft to find a few showing firearms, but somehow I’d suspect most folks here would feel that’s a tolerable sacrifice to make. There are a few things of interest besides period aircraft, such as a pair of guards armed with Thompson sub-guns escorting a bombadier carying a Norden bombsite to an aircraft.
….Eeez working now ! When I first tried it, Paypal said I could have one for $45, not two for $35.
Babes of forgotten weapons? 2016 maybe?
Will this years calendar have a hole punched in it so you can hang it? I had to make my own in last years which wasn’t a huge deal.
Also, great to hear that next years calendar will have captions. Was there ever a discussion of the pictures in last years calendar? There were a couple months where I couldn’t identify what guns were in the picture.
Yep, they will have a pre-punched hole for hanging as well.
Which months were you unable to identify?
I had some guesses but there was no answer key to see if I was right (or at least close).
January- three barreled gun on the right?
April- Russians? Which MG?
July- Cool hats. Who were they?
September- which AT rifle is it?
October- German paratrooper, but what rifle
November- Early WWI, catching brass in a feed bag? What MG?
Maybe I need to study more.
January – Nordenfelt
April – Czechs
July – Italian Alpini
September – Japanese Type 97 (captured by Russians)
October – A captured Bren
November – 1907 St Etienne with a brass catcher
Wonder if you would ever do a Youtube video on the stop gap prototype weapons of the WW.II.
One’s like the Charlton Automatic Rifles. This was a Mod of a 303 Lee Metford base or the Mk.2 SMLE,
or the Howell automatic rifle
If and when I’m able to get my hands on some of those guns, I will absolutely do videos on them. Don’t know when that might happen, though…
Give us time. 🙂
P.S. Catalog ordered.
Can’t find where nonmembers can order. Perfect gift for my son who collects German sniper rifles. Thanks for your help.
The only difference is that members type in their email address – just select how many you would like and click the order button, and it will take you to PayPal for payment.
For those of us that are gun-history-challenged, can someone post the complete set of captions from last year? Model of gun, and model of soldier would be great. Thanks!
January: Testing at Enfield, with a Gardner, Maxim, and Nordenfelt (left to right)
February: Japanese soldiers training with a Type 11 LMG (note the bag to catch brass)
March: Soviet troops in Breslau with a PTRS semiauto anti-tank rifle
April: Czech troops with a Schwarzlose machine gun
May: British Long Range Desert Group Jeeps armed to the nines (mostly with Vickers Gas-Operated guns)
June: US Marines on Saipan with a Japanese Type 96 LMG
July: Italian Alpini posing with a Fiat-Revelli machine gun (and Beretta 42 SMG and Beretta 34/35 pistol)
August: Soviet sniper with a PE scope on an M91/30 Mosin, dated August 1941
September: Soviet soldier with a captured Type 97 antitank rifle at Khalkin Gaol
October: German paratrooper with a captured Bren (not the universal Bren Gun Grin)
November: French troops with a 1907 St Etienne machine gun (and brass-catching bag)
December: Hiram Maxim shooting a Maxim gun
Perfect – thanks Ian! I have not been able to figure out most of them….
Is it still possible to order calendar on Visa.
Sure – PayPal will let you use a credit card if you don’t have a PayPal account.
Pay pal keeps rejecting your email address is there another address I can submit.
Is there any way to still order a calendar?
Sorry, but they’re all sold out for this year.
Are you putting out a 2016 Forgotten Weapons Calendar and if so how do I order,
I am not sure yet, but the details will be pinned to the top of the web site once I get them figured out.