Vintage Saturday: Maybe you can hire…the Model A Team!
Maybe this team can actually hit the bad guys once in a while…
Maybe this team can actually hit the bad guys once in a while…
Every pile of dusty old books you find at a gun show has a zillion reprints of Cartridges of the World and how-to pamphlets on stock refinishing from 1960. But occasionally you’ll find a real […]
Alrighty, I think we’ve got the major site layout changes done now. The new format has a couple big improvements, like automatically sizing itself to fit your monitor width. But the main reason I made […]
You may recall the Fusil Mexico from our initial post or followup – it is the interesting slide-action rifle that showed up at a Denver gun show a few months ago. Well, the owner has […]
From our friend Steve Hill at Spotted Dog Firearms, we have a good set of photos of an original World War I Winchester (as a result of British trials, it was determined that Winchester made […]
Please forgive the random changes you may see for the next few hours – we’re making a few changes to the site layout. We should be back running better than ever by the end of […]
I was visiting Apex Gun Parts just the other day, and while poking through a box of magazines I came across something pretty unusual: The body is clearly that of a Czech ZB26/30 twenty round […]
I hope you all had a happy Christmas holiday with family and friends, and maybe found something under the tree to add to your collections. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend […]
Also note the extra-tactical single point sling.
I’ve been promising this range video for a while now, and here it is. We took all three configurations of the C96 Broomhandle Mauser – a pistol, a carbine, and a machine pistol – out […]
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